Top UX Design Essex

16th February 2020

As one of the top User Experience (UX) design agencies in Essex, we thought it might be helpful to create an article about it. This article will contain information on how we believe a business should approach UX design and the key criteria.

What is UX?

There are many different definitions for UX, if we take the Oxford Dictionary, they state the following. ‘The overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use.’  This is exactly what UX is. Creating an experience that is pleasurable, easy to use, meaningful, creating a fulfilling experience for the end user from their interaction with your website. 

What is the Difference between UX and UI?

This may be obvious to some, but many people may not be too sure of the answer to this question. UI is the acronym for a user interface, they both are very important to website design in their own right.  UI usually refers to the website interface, and the goal is to make this as simple and well-organised as possible. 

The UI doesn’t have to look incredible for the UX to work.  One of the most obvious examples is Wikipedia. The design is quite basic, however, the user experience is excellent. It is one of the most widely used websites, listed number 10 in 2019.

Why is UX important for websites?

Ask any top design agency in Essex, and they should all state that the importance of the user’s experience in web design cannot be underestimated. It is not just important, it is vital.  By creating a great user experience, you don’t just impress your site visitors, you also create a positive impression for your business.  A study by Forrester Research found that a superior UX can increase conversion rates by 400%. Numbers like that need to be taken seriously. That is why any top web design agency will put UX at the forefront of the design process. As a top website design agency in Essex, we understand the importance this will have for your business and ultimately conversions.

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